Syukur dengan Izin DIA, akhirnya...
I did it!

After soooooo many years struggle with something that beyond my current knowledge.
I start my research study with zero knowledge on fMRI analysis, neuroscience and neuroimaging.
I did learned a little about MRI. But not fMRI. I did learned about the concept or the physics behind MRI function but not on time-series image analysis.
I told myself. I have to do this.
Nope. I need to do this. And I started this long journey...
Not to be a fantasy story..
I did give up. I did thinking of drop out from the course..
I did mentioned to my friends about quit from this little "crazy" things..

Until... I was recommended by one of the Japanese Sensei to do some lab attachment at Japan.
I pack my luggage together with my material and my research proposal with high expectation that I get and gain something from this attachment. On the time I fly to Japan, it was my final year. I'm already in the fifth semester!
Yes! And I'm still confusing on what should I do or what should be my focus of study!
A month before going home, my laptop broken and I didn't do any back up. No storage online or etc. Fiu~ Going home with only hardcopy. In the meantime, second stage of analysis need to be done. Dumbfounded! Restless! GIVE UP
Rasa nak menangis. All the hardwork and analysis, gone.
But it really happened.
I Want to do It
How Do I do it?
I'll Try to do it
I can do it
I will do it
and finally
Yes, I did it!
I've been on all stages.
I re-started my data analysis. Since it's already end of semester six, I need to write a thesis. I need to submit the thesis notification. In other word, I need to completing my study, by hook or by crook. Buttttt... I didn't finish the data analysis yet! In fact, I need to re-do it! Kill two birds at a time. That all I can do.
Within a year, I re-analyse the data while writing my thesis. Submitting the notice and run with the time..
And Alhamdulillah.. End of January 2016, I've submitted my thesis.
On April 2016, I've defend my work and reached the final line.
Thanks Sensei for helping me finalize my focus of study.
Thanks Dr., for giving me my own time and of course, for trusting me till the end.
Thanks Mak and Abah. For all the supports you give me. And of course, thanks for the money I used to pay my tuition fee (One and 1/2 years on own finance)
And now, its time for thesis correction and submit the final copy for senate meeting.
And all the best for my push factor, Sis Azlin Ahmad.
Tomorrow (25.4.2016) - my dad's birthday. And its your day to defend your work. I wish you all the best. And I believe, you can do it! And you can pass!
And a very big thank you for being a great push factor to me!
I owe you a lots.
Dr. Sara
p/s: Siapkan correction cepat! To be officially awarded!!