Finally your card made it all the way to Russia!
The card have travel 5,762km in 36 days! Well, i should say in 30days since I've send the postcard a little bit late than the one shows in the system.

At first, its quite a risk to start this activity since we don't know to whom we send our postcard. But I just go with the flow. Hoping that this will be the best platform for me to send and received some postcard from all over the world. And of course, to brush up my english. I rarely used English in my daily life despite continuing my study. English for me is all about journals and research. Other than that, i prefer Malays.
But, after submitting a journal to the publisher, got rejected and received a comment on how terrible my English was, I'm a little bit dejected. I think my English is good. Even not too fluent but at least in the intermediate level. And that make me come across to this community. Despite living in different part of the world, language is not the barrier since we used English to make us connected.
I hope to send and receive more postcards, letters and even some stamp from other countries! And I'm still looking for a snailmail, postcrosser and stamp exchange friends. Feel free to email me if you are interested to be my penpals or my new friends. =D
Sara, please be more consistent in your new and upgrading hobby. And I hope you find a lot of new friends. InsyaALLAH.
tahniah., congrats sis cik sara tuuh., x semua org leh maintain hobby postcard nih for a long time., hangat2 taik ayam gituu., byk blog poskad dh x aktif., wak pon baru start nih, x tau smpi bila., hehe2
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