
Monday, December 17, 2012

I love this quotes

And sometime i just realise...
Friends come first then my schedule..
Eheh.. Masuk lif tekan button naik..

Orang kata terlajak perahu boleh diundur, terlajak kata ayuh kotakan sahaja!
Kadang-kadang macam terlupa yang diri sendiri ada jadual+schedule, laju je mulut ni haa kata ok! 

Yelah.. Bila tak ramai kawan, kita akan sangat appreciate what we have. Friends that we love. Dan saya akui kawan-kawan memang ramai.. Tapi the real one, difficult to find. So, once you gather them, do appreciate them..

Never ever break the friendship even though each of you have get your own spouses. Because, friends always there when we need.
And i hope, i'll be that kind of friends..
The one who never see their schedule when friends need them..

Ukhuwah fillah abadan abada~