Untuk seketika saya rasakan seperti tidak berada di Bumi Malaysia.. Untuk seketika saya dapat rasakan sedang mengembara ke satu daerah baru yang sebelum ini langsung tidak terlintas di benak untuk ke sana. Dan untuk seketika, saya belajar sesuatu yang baru. Budaya baru. Suasana baru. Mungkin itulah kelebihannya menjadi sebahagian daripada komuniti di CAIRO ini. (^______^)
I though it's arabic language but then someone told me, "It's Persian!". Kagum! Sebab tak perlu mengembara beribu batu jauhnya untuk mendengar dan melihat semua itu. Tidak perlu setia di depan televisyen untuk menikmati keindahan bicara mereka. (^_____^). Sepagi di Iran. Ok tak kalau letak tajuk macam tu? Sepagi bersama rakan-rakan penyelidik dari Iran untuk bersama-sama menyambut Tahun baru. No-rooz. Untuk lebih lanjut, cubalah google. Kalau malas, baca ajelah ye..
No-Rooz, in word, means "New Day". It is the new day that starts the year, traditionally the exact astronomical beginning of the Spring. Iranians take that as the beginning of the year. This exact second is called "Saal Tahvil". No-Rooz with its' uniquely Iranian characteristics has been celebrated for at least 3,000 years and is deeply rooted in the rituals and traditions of the Zoroastrian (This was the religion of ancient Persia before the advent of Islam in 7th century A.D.).
Haaaa.. faham tak?? heee..copy cat je... penat ooo nak pikir buat ayat sendiri.. Ayat nak tulis jurnal pun tak siap-siap lagi.. Jadi, jangan menambah kerja! ahaks.. Kebiasaannya kalau orang cina sambut Chinese New Year, permulaan kalendar mereka dan kita sebagai umat islam sambut 1Muharram sebagai tanda permulaan kalendar Islam. Dan bagi Iranian, 21hb March adalah permulaan kalendar mereka..(err..kalau tak salahlah..) bermulanya musim bunga.
Perkara utama dalam sambutan Tahun Baru mereka adalah New Year Ritual setting. Apa tu? Meh baca...
But a major part of New Year rituals is setting the "Haft Seen" with seven specific items. In ancient times each of the items corresponded to one of the seven creations and the seven holy immortals protecting them. Today they are changed and modified but some have kept their symbolism. All the seven items start with the letter "S"; this was not the order in ancient times. These seven things usually are: Seeb (apple), Sabze (green grass), Serke (vinager), Samanoo (a meal made out of wheat), Senjed (a special kind of berry), Sekke (coin), and Seer (garlic). Sometimes instead of Serke they put Somagh (sumak, an Iranian spice).
Ok..sekarang nak tunjuk pula gambar yang ambil dalam CAIRO semalam.
No-Rooz, in word, means "New Day". It is the new day that starts the year, traditionally the exact astronomical beginning of the Spring. Iranians take that as the beginning of the year. This exact second is called "Saal Tahvil". No-Rooz with its' uniquely Iranian characteristics has been celebrated for at least 3,000 years and is deeply rooted in the rituals and traditions of the Zoroastrian (This was the religion of ancient Persia before the advent of Islam in 7th century A.D.).
Haaaa.. faham tak?? heee..copy cat je... penat ooo nak pikir buat ayat sendiri.. Ayat nak tulis jurnal pun tak siap-siap lagi.. Jadi, jangan menambah kerja! ahaks.. Kebiasaannya kalau orang cina sambut Chinese New Year, permulaan kalendar mereka dan kita sebagai umat islam sambut 1Muharram sebagai tanda permulaan kalendar Islam. Dan bagi Iranian, 21hb March adalah permulaan kalendar mereka..(err..kalau tak salahlah..) bermulanya musim bunga.
Perkara utama dalam sambutan Tahun Baru mereka adalah New Year Ritual setting. Apa tu? Meh baca...
But a major part of New Year rituals is setting the "Haft Seen" with seven specific items. In ancient times each of the items corresponded to one of the seven creations and the seven holy immortals protecting them. Today they are changed and modified but some have kept their symbolism. All the seven items start with the letter "S"; this was not the order in ancient times. These seven things usually are: Seeb (apple), Sabze (green grass), Serke (vinager), Samanoo (a meal made out of wheat), Senjed (a special kind of berry), Sekke (coin), and Seer (garlic). Sometimes instead of Serke they put Somagh (sumak, an Iranian spice).
Ok..sekarang nak tunjuk pula gambar yang ambil dalam CAIRO semalam.

Itulah Haft Seen. Ada persembahan lagu dengan iringan gitar dari salah seorang pelajar penyelidikan dari Iran. Osem! Bak kata Kak Ena, rasa macam tengah naik gondola dekat Venice tu..ahaks... Nak story pasal apa lagi ek? Cukuplah setakat itu. Sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu tentang satu perayaan utama masyarakat Iran. Happy New Year Iranian~

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