Salam petang jumaat. Tepat jam 2.16pm waktu Malaysia, telefon bimbitku menyanyi seorang diri. Cepat-cepat angkat. Panggilan yang dinanti-nantikan..
"Hello, Can i speak with Nor Saradatul Akmar?"
"Yes..speaking.." hahaha..bajet je jawabnya..K k..sambung cerita.
"I am Mr.XXXXX from National Instrument."
"Oh yes! i've been told about that! i know you!"
"You know me?."
"Err..i mean i know that you will call me. I get an email before."
"Owh.." sounds lega je..hahah..
"I'm sorry for being late. I suppose to call you at 2pm right. I'm just handling an interview with others before."
"Owh it's ok. i'm ok with that."
"Ok. I give you 5 minutes to tell me about yourself." Dalam keadaan suara yang macam pecah-pecah tu.
"5 minutes to explain about my self?. Ok..bla..bla..bla..and my secondary school at MJSC PDRM, Kulim." Ikut apa yang dah tulis dalam skrip..hahaha..
"Kulim? what are you studying in Kulim?" Ah, sudah..apa pula yang dia dengar aku cakap tadi?
" secondary school was at Kulim. Maktab Rendah Sains Mara, Kulim." Betullah kan? Secondary tu sekolah menengah? ke aku yang salah tulis dan sekaligus salah jawab? =))
" have been independent since school.." Ah,sudah..aku ni betul ke tak secondary tu menengah? lanyak jelah..
"Yes2x.. i've been independent."
"Ok, have you come to our career talk on that day?." Dush..macam kena tembak dengan pistol..
"Err..unfortunately i can't attend your career talk before.. i've class that time." ok..Liar! i've sleep that afternoon..
"It's ok. Let me introduce you a little bit about National Instrument. bla.,.bla..bla..dari texas sampai ke penang. Dari 2010 sampai 2015. Dari 40 employee kepada 1500 employee..RnD, manufacturing and bla..bla..bla.." Dia introduce company tu lagi lama dari i yang introduce myself..wahaha..
"Do you hear me?" Sebab saya senyap agaknya..
"Yes3x.." Lepas tu dia sambung bercerita lagi..
"Ok, let's start about behavioral question." Dalam hati..ok..behavior. sikap kan? Cool..
"What achievement or project that you handle which is beyond your lecturer or friends expected? Give me an example on what are the things that you do or exhibits that beyond your lecturer, peers and friends expectation?" Gulp! nothing! hahaha.. i just do what eva my lecturer ask me to do. And i just do what eva me and my friend has discuss. What kind of question is this??- ok tak jawablah macam ni..
"Err...bla-bla..bla.." malas nak share jawapan dekat sini..
"Ok, what is your final project is all about?" Haa..soalan fevret.. Cepat3x buka skrip dan baca.
"I'm sorry, but i could'nt really understand what did you explain about the xbee matter. could you explain again?." Haha.. Dah agak! Susah kot nak explain kat telepon ni.. Bukan dia nak nampak pun apa yang saya dok lukis-lukis atas meja nak explain punya pasal.
"Owh.. sounds good even i'm not really understand about your project. " See? dah cakap dah.. buat abih ayaq liuq ja terang bagai nak rak..
"Ok, what is the issue you facing while doing your project." Isu? issue apa? mula-mula dengar ingatkan tissue..hahaha..
"Nice explanation but yet, i can't get through what is your project all about.. But it's ok. So, is this project had been done or still in progress?.."
"'s still in progress..."
"Ok..Let's move to the technical question. Have you ever heard about Low Pass Filter? What it is function?" it came the theorectical part in which i really-really hate.
"Err..low pass filter? To filter the unnecessary frequency.." Belasah..mana ingat dah weh..bila punya tahun den blajar benda ni..
"If given to you a resistor and capacitor, how could you build a low pass filter?." Ah, sudah! memang konfem tak ingat. Tahun ni mcm tak jumpa je dengan circuit low pass filter. Goreng lagi.. Tangan dah kalut buka folder dalam laptop cari notes yang lepas-lepas.
"Are you checking on the book?." Aih, macam tahu-tahu pula dia ni..
"No.. i've send my books to my hometown."
hasil dari bantuan luar. |
"Or you checking in the internet?"
"Not really. i don't have the internet." Wee..padahal tak terlintas pun nak cari lam internet. Dok godek3x cari lam laptop je kot jumpa notes itu.
"What is resistor? Capacitor? transistor? The purpose of resistor? capacitor?" Damn! i hate theory.. Theory hanya dihafal untuk menjawab exam beberapa tahun yang lepas..kih3x..
"Did you ever learn about Digital Design?" Ek? "No"
"How did you design a counter let say i'm giving you a sequence number bla..bla..bla.." Owh! memang tak tahu! Silap.. bUkan tak tahu. Tapi tak ingat pun.
Owh..dengan ini saya ingin usulkan supaya semua mahasiswa tahun 1 dan 2 agar cepat-cepat pergi interview kerja sementara teori-teori anda masih utuh di benak fikiran. Bila dah masuk 3rd and 4th year yang setahun sekali nak jumpa balik low pass filter, kernaugh map memang harulah nak jawab soalan-soalan interview ni..
kena pula orang macam saya yang memang tak suka pada teori. Tak pernah nak ingat pun apa purpose semua itu. Yang tahu, bila nak design circuit buka je internet tak pun rujuk balik nota.. Dapat complete circuit.
Pengajaran untuk hari ini adalah:- Sediakan satu nota khas khusus untuk pergi temuduga. Di dalam nota itu haruslah mengandungi istilah-istilah zaman silam yang semakin dilupakan itu untuk dihafal dan diingati sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke tempat temuduga. Tak pasal-pasal je transistor dah jadi transducer..Sara..owh sara..konfius betul kamu ni..